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Join date: May 18, 2022


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= "" ie.navigate "" While ie.Busy Or ie.ReadyState 4 DoEvents Wend With ie .Visible = True .navigate "" While.Busy Or.readyState 4





A: Try This Sub GetPassword() Dim ie As Object, str As String, strHead As String Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") 'Const URL = "" ie.navigate "" While ie.Busy Or ie.ReadyState 4 DoEvents Wend With ie .Visible = True .navigate "" While.Busy Or.readyState 4 DoEvents Wend With.document.getElementsByClassName("hidden-input") If.Length = 0 Then With.SetFocus str =.value With.document.getElementsByClassName("pass-container") .innerText = str .Focus .Click End With End With Else str = "" .Length = 0 End If End With End With strHead = str ie.Quit Set ie = Nothing End Sub To use it for accessing any websites Call GetPassword Thanks is excellent for when playing heavy hitters on a Budget. In our opinion, they


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